Steel Screw US Import Market Research

Steel Screw US Import Market Research

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Steel Screw US Import Market
US Market Steel Screw

Steel Screw US Import market research prepared from US Customs Import data of Steel Screw. Gives a Accurate Analysis of US Import Market Size of Steel Screw in American market.

1. M/s. T J Expediters Inc.

Product Description

Bicycle Parts Screws Chip Ceramic Capacitor Buzzer Ceramic Disc C Apacitor Smd Christian Literature Tear Drop Hinge,np Stainless Steel Parts 2026 Lt-202/Roj S/T 202031 Flat Cable Buddha Ware (Joss-stick, Paper) Bearings Made In Taiwan Oil Seals Automotiv
Marks and No. As Per Invoice | N/M | N/M | N/M | N/M | N/M | N/M | N/M | N/M | N/M | N/M | N/M | N/M | N/M | N/M
US Importer
T J Expediters Inc
20490 Yellow Brick Road., #b
Walnut Ca 91788
United States
4681969 4681985

US Notify Party
T.J. Expediters Inc
20490 Yellow Brick Road., #b
Walnut Ca 91788
United States
Oriental Logistics Group Limited
19f No. 90, Sec. 2, Nanking East Ro
Taipei .
25429029 25812877
Bill of Lading
USA Importers of steel screw - T J Expediters Inc
Exported From China Taiwan
Export Port Kao Hsiung
American Port Los Angeles, Ca
Shipping Line Orient Overseas Container Line Inc

2. M/s. Ta Chen International Inc.

Product Description

Stainless Steel Welded Pipe, Tube, Plate Cut Flat, Bars, Butt-welding Fitting, Pipe Nipple Truck Accessories, Screwed Fittings, Valve Part.
Marks and No. No Marks
US Importer
Ta Chen International Inc
5855 Obispo Ave
Long Beach Ca 90805

US Notify Party
Ta Chen International Inc
5855 Obispo Ave
Long Beach Ca 90805
Ta Chen Stainless Pipe Co Ltd
No 125 Hsin-tien 2nd St Hsin-tien
Bill of Lading
USA Importers of steel screw - Ta Chen International Inc
Exported From China Taiwan
Export Port Kao Hsiung
American Port Los Angeles, Ca
Shipping Line Pnlp

3. M/s. Tecno Importaciones Sandra Marlene.

Product Description

Pipe Tools, And Parts Thereof P/N Components Set As Per Your Samples 8 Grooves 11 Grooves P/N Latch As Per Your Samples P/N Sector Gears Assembly (J) Sector Gear Assembly With Link 3-5/8.Aldminum Bushing And Screw Plain P/N Worms For Jalousie Mild Steel.,
Marks and No. P/O:t10680 P/N: | Qty: N.W.: | G.W.: C/No.: | Made In China
US Importer
Tecno Importaciones Sandra Marlene
Flamenco Alameda Manuel Enrique
Araujo Centro Comercial La Mascota,
Nivel 3,local #4.San Salvador,el
US Notify Party
Tecno Importaciones Sandra Marlene
Flamenco Alameda Manuel Enrique
Araujo Centro Comercial La Mascota,
Nivel 3,local #4.San Salvador,el
Salvador,el Salvador Tel:(503)2100-
Ningbo Swikuo Machinery Co.,ltd.
No.1238 East Zhenluo Rd Zhenhai
Ningbo China Tel:0574-88266318
Bill of Lading
USA Importers of steel screw - Tecno Importaciones Sandra Marlene
Exported From South Korea
Export Port Busan
American Port Pearl Harbor, Hi
Shipping Line Nyk Line (Nippon Yusen Kaisha)

4. M/s. The Ultimate Freight Management.

Product Description

Bicycle Parts Loudspeaker Parts 44 Ctns = 1 Plt Bicycle Parts 405 Ctns Steel Empty Uncleaned Cylinder 180 Pces = 8 Plts Religious Articles Plastic Water Bottle Ccc Code:3923.30.00.002 72 Ctns Plastic Toy (Sand Box) 50 Ctns Screws 249 Ctns = 7 Plts Screws
Marks and No. As Per Shipper's Invoice | As Per Shipper's Invoice | As Per Shipper's Invoice | The Same | The Same | The Same | The Same | The Same | The Same | The Same | The Same | The Same | The Same | The Same | The Same | The Same | The Same | The Same | The Same
US Importer
The Ultimate Freight Management
(Lax) Ltd.
9215 Hall Road. Downey, Ca 90241
Tel:562 250 0588 Fax:562-250 0568
US Notify Party
The Ultimate Freight Management
(Lax) Ltd.
9215 Hall Road. Downey, Ca 90241
Tel:562 250 0588 Fax:562-250 0568
The Ultimate Freight Management
12f, No. 154, Fu Hsing N. Rd.
Taipei Taiwan Roc
Bill of Lading
USA Importers of steel screw - The Ultimate Freight Management
Exported From China Taiwan
Export Port Kao Hsiung
American Port Los Angeles, Ca
Shipping Line Eglv
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